
Browser Syncing

Keep your TrackDen library automatically synced between multiple browsers on different devices.

Dashboard screenshot showing Google Sync storage capacity loading bar, pending uploads and pending downloads

Keeping your library synced via Google Sync / FireFox sync allows you allows you to keep the same library across multiple devices.

This means that you can add tracks and make changes on one device and the changes will reflect on your other device. When you make a change such as adding a new playlist or track, updating a track or linking it to a new playlist, the tracks details will be automatically uploaded to your sync storage. TrackDen will then go and scan this storage and sync the latest changes to your other device if they are missing.

Syncing is only possible on the same account i.e. from Google Account X (Device 1) → Google Account X (Device 2)

If you want to migrate your library onto a different browser / account then you can perform a restore and import your data into your new instance.

You must first enable the syncing functionality in the TrackDen settings as well as enable 'Extension Syncing' on your Google Account.

  1. Navigate to your TrackDen Settings screen.
  2. Toggle the Sync changes to Google option
  3. Open up your Google Profile and 'Turn on Sync'
  4. Open up the 'Manage what you Sync' page
  5. Either enable all syncing or just enable Extensions syncing
  6. Any changes you make on TrackDen will now be synced across devices which are signed in with the same account
You must be logged in to your Google Account on both browsers for the sync to work successfully

You must first enable the syncing functionality in the TrackDen settings as well as enable the sunc on your FireFox Profile.

  1. Navigate to your TrackDen Settings screen.
  2. Toggle the Sync changes to FireFox option
  3. Navigate to about:preferences#sync
  4. Enable syncing of Add-Ons
  5. Any changes you make on TrackDen will now be synced across devices which are signed in with the same account
You must be logged in to your FireFox Account on both browsers for the sync to work successfully

If for some reason you want to sync all your tracks with another device, its advised you manually perform a backup and restore of your library.

However, you are able to use the sync functionality but it will take some time depending on your library.

To start uploading all your items, go to your Dashboard and under the Browser Sync section click Upload All.

Items will be downloaded automatically, however you can force this processes by navigating to your Dashboard and under the Google Sync section click Download.