Getting started

Installing TrackDen

TrackDen is a browser extension, free to use and no signup required.

Welcome splash screen of TrackDen

To get started with TrackDen on your Chrome Browser, simply install the extension from the Google Web Store.

  1. Visit the Google App Store by clicking the button below:
  2. Available on the Google Web Store button
  3. Click 'Add to Chrome'
  4. Follow the in-app Welcome guide

For users of FireFox, install the extension from the FireFox Add-Ons store:

  1. Visit the FireFox Add-Ons store by clicking the button below:
  2. Get the Add On (FireFox) button
  3. Click 'Add to Firefox'
  4. Follow the in-app Welcome guide

For users of FireFox, you need explicitly grant TrackDen permission to access sites:

  1. Open up the add-ons manager by navigatng to 'about:addons' in FireFox
  2. Expand the TrackDen add-on and select 'Permissions'
  3. Enable all the Permissions
  4. FireFox add-on permissions granted