
Wishlist syncing

You're able to pull your existing Bandcamp wishlist into TrackDen as well as pull other people's publically available wishlists.

Dashboard view showing all the track counts and price estimates
Wishlist box showing track counts and prices for your Bandcamp wishlist

Click on VIEW and you will be taken to your online Bandcamp wishlist.

Syncing your wishlist involves TrackDen fetching the details of all the items currently in your Bandcamp wishlist, after which these tracks will be matched and their details retrieved, then added to TrackDen.

You're able to pull in other people's wishlists if they are publically available, you just need to update the Bandcamp username in your settings.

  1. Click on sync from source
  2. You will be redirected to the chosen wishlist and TrackDen will go and fetch all the items and update your library
    Loading bar showing fetch progress
  3. Once the items have been fetched, they need to be matched and their full details retrieved from Bandcamp
  4. You will get an indication of how long this will take once the sync is running.
    Notification showing wishlist syncing progress
Taking a while?
Depending on the amount of tracks and albums, syncing large amounts of items will take some.
Ensure that you don't refresh or leave the TrackDen dashboard until the sync is complete.
Go touch some grass, give your mom a call, hug a loved one...
Not seeing all your items?
Sometimes, tracks are missed in the sync. Each time you sync your wishlist, your existing wishlisted items won't be synced.
Sync your wishlist a few times to pick up any lost items.

If you want to completely clear your Bandcamp wishlist, click on Clear. This will go and empty your Bandcamp wishlist.